Our work is grounded in the premise that the integrity of the public sphere is under strain. On the surface, the most troubling manifestations are of isolated harms or “bad actors”: online forms of hate speech, harassment, “fake news”, and organized disinformation campaigns by foreign operators. But beneath these symptoms are structural issues which compromise the integrity of our information infrastructure: automation of control over information curation for purposes of attention maximization; erosion of public norms of source credibility in news media; fragmentation of media audiences that separates the polity from a common, fact-based public debate; and an accelerated tribalism that undermines democratic institutions.
Our project is actively developing, trialling, and refining methods for capturing these dynamics, and most importantly, for assessing the impact that they have on the behaviour of citizens and ultimately the health of our democracy. This addresses a gap in the research community to expand its monitoring and analysis of targeted disinformation campaigns towards a broader framework that captures the health of the wider information ecosystem.
The objective of MEO is to develop an evidence-based model for information ecosystem health, in order to both better understand the online harms and digital threats to democracy, and to safeguard against it. The Principal Investigators of MEO are Peter Loewen, Taylor Owen and Derek Ruths.
Our project is actively developing, trialling, and refining methods for capturing these dynamics, and most importantly, for assessing the impact that they have on the behaviour of citizens and ultimately the health of our democracy. This addresses a gap in the research community to expand its monitoring and analysis of targeted disinformation campaigns towards a broader framework that captures the health of the wider information ecosystem.
The objective of MEO is to develop an evidence-based model for information ecosystem health, in order to both better understand the online harms and digital threats to democracy, and to safeguard against it. The Principal Investigators of MEO are Peter Loewen, Taylor Owen and Derek Ruths.
The Team

Aengus Bridgman is a PhD candidate in Political Science at McGill University and a research fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Citizenship. He studies political behaviour with a particular focus on the participation and motivation of online political activists. His work has been published in Party Politics.

Julia Ma recently graduated from McGill University in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Joint Mathematics and Computer Science. She is currently a research assistant focusing on data collection. She completed three internships during her time in university, working in data analysis, controls engineering, and full-stack development in financial services.

Lisa Teichmann is a PhD student in German at McGill University. Her research focuses on the question of how computational text analysis methods and tools can form a repository for cross-cultural comparative literary analysis. She is part of txtLab and NovelTM: A Multi-University Digital Humanities Initiative. She is edditorial Assistant at the online open-access Cultural Analytics Journal, a guest Researcher at the Academiae Corpora (Austrian Academy of Sciences), and a host on CKUT 90.3FM.

Derek Ruths (co-PI) is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science at McGill University. He is the Founding Director of the Centre for Social & Cultural Data Science and leads the Network Dynamics Laboratory for research on social informatics, social media analytics, and natural language processing. Derek is also the Chief Architect at a non-profit called Charitable Analytics International. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Rice University. Derek believes in the potential for computation and data analysis to support responsible, evidence-based decision making. This guides his professional work in teaching, research, entrepreneurship, and outreach.